Hello, my name is Frost aka

or most known for the playing Speedroids and for making Speedroid Guide, Welcome to my guide and today im going to present Windwitches!

Part 1, What are the Windwitches?

The Windwitches are a group of WIND SPELLCASTER Monsters that appeared in the Arc V Anime used by Rin, they're specialized in Synchro Summoning and swarming the field while also dealing small bits of burn. With the ability to Synchro Summon while also giving your monsters beneficial protections like battle and card protection, you can take a note out of Yugo's book and use his Loading... to its full potential!

Part 2, Who are the Windwitches?

Lets introduce our magical stars of the show!

Windwitch - Ice Bell
2-3x If Speedroid Terrortop was the Holy Grail for an archetypal searcher then Ice Bell is definitely Second coming of Terrortop if you squint hard enough. Regardless ice bell is your PRIORITY card you want to see in your hand starting off the duel, with the help of your skill Winter Bell Accel your copies of Chime and Snow bell can become Ice bells without any issue! and because your other cards also can just be swapped around for Ice bell, you could if you wanted for more Staple space or you just don't have a third copy can play 2 copies of Ice bell. Do note that Ice bell Locks you into only Special Summoning Level 5+ Wind Monsters from your Extra Deck the turn it's Special Summoned from its own effect

Windwitch - Glass Bell
2-3x Just like Terrortop has his Taketomborg, Ice Bell has Glass Bell. Glass is your main searcher and how you will be getting to your other names like Loading... and Loading... . Typically, she's what you're always going to be summoning off of Ice's First effect to allow you into your main game plan. She will also wind lock you so you cant really play any non Wind Synchros using this deck unfortunately.

Windwitch - Freeze Bell
2x This card is what I'd say will always be your search target off of Glass Bell, unless you have a copy of her in your hand or you're going for a more potentially higher-level play with your Synchro Summoning. Typically, she's not a bad card to see as her effect to special summon herself is quite nice but note she can only special summon herself if You only control Windwitches so if you have something like Loading... for example on your board she will NOT Special summon herself, even if all other monsters you control are windwitches. Do also note any Wind Synchro Monster that uses her as material cannot be destroyed by battle, this can come up in your duels.

Windwitch - Snow Bell
1-2x The Primary Tuner of your deck and how Loading... becomes a force to be wrecken with due to his primary function as being a Level 1 tuner and having the effect of any Wind Synchro Monster Synchro Summoned using Snow as material Cannot be destroyed via your opponent's Card effects. And unlike Freeze bell, her effect to Special Summon herself is not Windwitch focused and only needing you to control 2 Wind monsters. Now you can get away with 1 Copy but id recommend 2 copies as your skill Winter Bell Accel can Special summon her from deck to your field, and also Shuffle a Tuner into the deck to add her again to resummon her. and note that her effect to Special Summon herself is NOT a once per turn. So cards like Loading... that could bounce it back to the hand will be a negative use of their effects.

Windwitch - Blizzard Bell
0-1 I personally do not like this card as its whole function is pretty much just being Discard fodder to proc your Loading... 's effect and while also being a Tuner that you can add via the skill to facilitate the end of the turn having a potential pop. not much to say about this card other then it also has the weird summoning restriction Freeze bell has but instead of being able to Special Summon her its instead to Normal Summon it, while yes the deck doesnt actually use its normal i find this card hard to really demand a slot when any form of staple could be a better slot then it. but if you so desire to use her she's not the worst thing you can be doing if you're ending your turn on a Diamond Bell.

Our Magical Girls have Synchro Summoned into the Wind!

Windwitch - Winter Bell
2x Much like how Loading... is Yugo's Ace, Winter Bell is Rin's Ace. so there's no suprise that her Skill Winter Bell Accel will facilitate using her, her effects aren't too important beside her burn effect if you have a potential Diamond Bell on the field to facilitate that pop. but outside of that she's mostly the stepping stone to get to our actual "Boss" Monster of the archetype.

Windwitch - Diamond Bell
1-2x Your REAL Boss monster for the Windwitch archetype, This is typically what i'd say is your sort of end game pusher as both effects are important to your gameplan, as not only does she still follow the other's gameplan in dealing burn damage through her first effect, but she also pops cards Whenever your opponent takes any damage, from battle or via card effects. and note she also gets a second pop if the only monsters used in her synchro summon are Windwitches, which usually 9 times out of 10 you're only ever using Windwitches to Synchro with.