General Information
Worlds: DM
- Bonz requires Yellow keys to duel at the gate
- Bonz appears at the gate at stage 13 (DM)
- Bonz level 40 appears at the gate upon reaching stage 30
- Bonz himself is a useful character to have, with skills like Restart and Straight to the Grave
Unlock Missions:
- Reach Stage 13 (DM) Duel World. To trigger his unlock missions
- Achieve 1 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duels against Bonz at level 30 using Joey Wheeler .
- Win 1 Duels within 6 turn(s) against Bonz at level 30 while playing as Bandit Keith .
- Achieve 1 No Damage Win(s) in Duels against Bonz at level 30 using Yami Bakura .
- Collect 3 Zombie-Type Cards.
- Achieve 3 win(s) using only Zombie-Type Cards.
Drop Rewards
Level-up Rewards