Crush the World with the Mighty Fist!
Awakening of the Charmers
Defensive Hand
Barian Battlemorph: Number Over One Hundred
Hand Regeneration
Constellar Union
Hand Reloading
Contract: Fabled
Over-Powered Hand
Dark Adjuster
Starter Hand
Destiny Draw: Mystical Space Typhoon
Destiny Draw: Pride and Soul
Domain of the Gladiator Beasts
Dragon-Piercing Lance
Draw Pass
Draw Sense: EARTH
Draw Sense: Low-Level
Elemental Order: Mystical Space Typhoon
Extended "Dragonic Diagram"
Fortress Bound to Shadow
Ghostrick Invitation
Hieratic Dragon Dawn
High Ritual Master: Dark Being
LP Boost Gamma
LP Boost: X4 Plus
Level 5 Reload
Light and Dark: Reptile Type
Maid's Downtime
Nekroz of Dragonflame
Numbers' Rule
One-Winged Darklord
Overlay Control
Overlay Gain
Overlay Regeneration
Red-Eyes Undead Reborn
Shadow-Weaving Power
Shiranui Style Successor
Sky Striker Mobilize - Contact
Spell Swap: Fire Formation - Tenki
The Legend of the Heroes
The Stirring Mayakashi
Time Thief Cross-Beat
Traptrix's Ground
Tuning in the Sky
lswarm Union