
King of Games from on April 17th, 2024
Gems 33k + $221
20 cards

Notes & Combos

One of my favourite decks just got new support, so of course I just had to KOG with it. The new ultimate chad deck is here! You might think the support I mentioned were the new Goukis in the new box and the skill, but the actual best new support for this deck is Forbidden Droplet, one of the best board breakers ever printed. Also shoutout to all the Sky Striker players on ladder because this deck autowins that match-up. Against Striker, you expect to have full Gouki combo + Lance/Droplet to playthrough their Widow Anchor. If you don't have that then just set one Gouki and pass, since they can never OTK you. On the following turn, if they attacked over your set Gouki you automaticaly have full combo thanks to the 1 search + skill. If you brick going first against other decks you could do the same + set your Droplet which guarantees full combo next turn given you survive (you can search octo to ensure that). Droplet combo: you need 3 goukis not including Suprex/Headbatt + Droplet + at least 2 effect monsters from opponent. Normal summon 1 Gouki, Droplet it + 1 other Gouki from hand away, search Rematch then Headbatt to continue from there. Turns an unplayable hand into a strong one. Going 2nd, you use a combination of Twistcobra dodge into search/ Headbatt extend/ Droplet dodge into search/ Lance through backrow/ Master Ogre negate to settle the game in 1 single turn.

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