
King of Games from on August 7th, 2024
Gems 25.5k + $31
30 cards

Notes & Combos

KOG with DMG-Machines! First heard of this idea from Hylaster's stream and decided to try it out, slowly modifying it to fit my style. Super aggro and fun deck which punishes slower decks and decks with 0 def monsters like Cyberse Maximum. Hardest matchup is Light Machines but as you can see in my KoG rank-up replay, the secondary weapon of level 6 Dark Magician Girls with 2500 atk makes you less susceptible to anti-machine traps like combustion crisis. The new dark magician curtain certainly pushed this deck over the edge due to much easier turn 2/3 access to DMG/DM (can use skill to search DMG and dump DM) allowing for quick wins, especially coupled with Mirror Innovator as a piercing weapon (if you draw well)! Try this out peeps, personally love this much more than regular Light Machines :)

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