Black Luster Soldier

King of Games from on August 26th, 2024
Gems 35.5k + $22
21 cards

Notes & Combos

OMG yes I love BLS. I would die for Black Luster Soldier - Legendary Swordsman. This support card is going to change my life and its gonna be the best card ever

Memes aside, this variant takes advantage of the 1 spell already on gy because of the skill and aims to take care of your opponent's interactions using Sky Striker cards and OTK using BLS. Pot of Avarice is rly good to keep your skill going, draw 2 cards and get a spell on gy. And since we have Pot of Avarice that means we can safely use Trade-In to get more cards. I'm linking a video with replays down below, it showcases the deck pretty nicely. If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them. Now I'm off to banish more Lights and Darks. Take care! o7 PS: KoGed achieved on the 19th

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