
King of Games from on August 22nd, 2024
Gems 41.5k + $4
23 cards

Notes & Combos

Really underrated in the current meta, great going first and can go second with a good enough hand.

Build isn't optimal as I'm f2p, would add a third defenser and 2 more cosmic since you can't deal with backrow easily. (paladin of storm dragon comes up trust)

Cynet Refresh can be easily accessed if you have a way to trigger witch (converter, flier, ddr), just summon phantom off defenser, get refresh and dump it. Most people will forfeit after you resolve it and they waste all interactions trying to out your immune darkfluid.

Always try to summon decode before going into darkfluid if you can, shuffling back your links and rituals is essential for the grindgame.

Don't play chaos greed in this deck, it's bait.

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Vs borrellink (canon event) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00234e746ca74a904580751e73ba5839a3a240bb6e Vs chaos MAX blue eyes (paladin of storm dragon moment) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0749a1cde893da543f63243b08f876298afbfbca26 Vs live twin unchained https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06f5ccc473746a2c8143e29762fcf0e7a0c1c3d4fa Vs chronicle blue eyes https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07c9a20f2a5f02779215b0fbd12f4babba28c1e601