Winged Dragon of Ra

King of Games from on August 7th, 2024
Gems 44k + $148
24 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my last Ra post if I decide to test anything I will post in the comments. A reference of what you can do with a 24 Card Build. This KOG Climb I decided to go with Endymion + Herald of Creation(G⛮d of Creation) engine. The God engine a 4 Monster Support System with 6 Options for different scenarios. Endymion + Equip Cards from Extra Deck has: Attack Boost, Monster Destruction, Monster Negate, Spell/Trap Destruction, and remove Monster Reborn out of your hand. Herald of Creation allows you to discard a card to bring Ra from your graveyard back to your hand to use Sphere Mode. And then 2 Forbidden Droplets + 2 Mystical Space Typhoon for support.

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