Notes & Combos
Third KoG with Dragons, now becoming top tier. Time to explain what the cards do and how to build the deck because many lists are all over the place and not good.
- Dragias (x2-3) and Miragias (x2-3) are both your boss monsters that you always want to open alongside enough Normal Summons to get your plays going. You can afford running 2 of one of them.
- The Dragon (x3) is the Fusion material. Because can only search you one once per Duel, you should not cut any copies of it.
- Phoenix Dragon let's you retrieve your High Levels which is important. You could replace it with Monster Reincarnation if you want to run Rice.
- Fortitude Dragon (x3) helps you reduce the Atk of a big body for easier OTK + sets up Dragon's Fortitude (x1) if it's on GY.
- Triad Dragon (x2-3) is a good defensive body and draws you 1 card if the opponent has a High Level on field.
- Star Replacer (x3) enables 2-tribute setups later in the Duel.
- Winged Dragon (x3) is good for both offensive and defense.
- Pot of Avarice is the best Legend card for this deck, as it helps you put The Dragon in rotation, specially after using the skill to add it to your hand.
- Dragon's Inferno (x3) is backrow hate. The deck only cares for Freeze and the Legend trap to be gone. You don't care much for the other traps most of the time.
- ONLY RUN THE ONE FUSION. Playing multiples will brick you harder than your High Levels.
- Negate Attack is better than Widespread in this deck because your opponent having a big body helps you get advantage out of the skill.
- Buffered Slime is there to not let you get killed by stuff like the 2 Galaxy decks or High Tech Dragons.
- Forever Freeze might not be that great in here but it helps on delaying your opponent from getting high damage, either in the mirror or against any deck running AGG.
- Dragiastar (x2-3) and Miragiastar (x2-3) are big boys that do big damage.
This is usually what you want in your Dragon deck. Here is some tips when building.
- You can run the Sportsdragon (x3 each) if you don't have Star Replacer or Fortitude Dragon.
- Same for Flip-Flap Dragons although they can work better because Flap forces a monster to be in Atk, which enables easy OTK with Miragiastar.
- Do not run 7 Shift. It conflicts with Star Replacer and makes Rice live.
- Do not play other High Levels, they are either irrelevant or worthless in here.
- PoG is only good if you have other cards that put your monsters from GY to deck like Talismatic or Dragon's Return.
Dragon Mirror from last season post-KoG using this list against JinzoCR