Notes & Combos
Fun deck. I'm still unsure about the ratio of some cards, it would be nice to play more copies of Great Sorcerer and maybe another ritual spell, but deck space is very tight. The Extra Deck rarely mattered besides the Fossils and Arc Light, however it's good to have some backrow removal options like Dire Wolf and Phoenix, which also help with making board space for summoning more ritual monsters (Konami please give us Dyna Mondo); Utopia and Rebellion are included to ensure we can kill big main deck monsters, and Cerberus is there for moral support (it used to be Unicorn, but neither of them have been summoned even once). Play N'tss if you have it, it's very good.
Main combo is Areadbhair + 2 Nekroz names: Tribute the names, send Cycle and Great Sorcerer, use Cycle to banish Sorcerer and search a ritual spell, trigger Sorcerer to mill something you need, use the skill to recover 2 cards. If you tributed Ariel or Shurit, you actually went plus in this exchange while searching any card you need and possibly setting up a Cycle play. Depending on what you already have, you can afford to tribute just 1 name and possibly go even more plus, which is important since this deck is all about maintaning card advantage and pushing for game at the right time.
Some matchup advices:
- HEROs: setup Unicore + Gungnir in hand to protect it from Armed Dragon lvl 10. Having Valk too is theoretically needed because if they see you searched Gungnir they could just summon Neos instead and use Super Poly to out Unicore thanks to the existence of Brave Neos, and you would be pretty much dead at this point without Valk; in practice, no HERO player on the ladder knows what they're doing and they will likely not realize this. Banish their Armed Dragons with Trishula so they can't just pop your stuff every turn for free.
- Salamangreat: they can overwhelm you with non-engine, but Unicore is pretty good here otherwise. Keep Trishula in hand to protect it from Miragestallio's bounce effect.
- Lyrilusc: summon Unicore and win. Keep a Valk in hand just in case they somehow out it, also beware of D.D. Crow (just send another Areadbhair). You should almost never be losing this.
- Predaplant: hardest matchup because of Sarraceniant. Breaking the field is not a problem, but you can almost never kill and Hydra ensures your Unicore is not staying on the field, also they get absurd amount of advatange over you so it's impossible to outresource them. Just pray Trishula banishes the handtrap.
Replays with timestamps:
Spoiler: funny deckout win against a HERO player with no idea of how Valkyrus works.