
King of Games from on July 26th, 2024
Gems 23.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck would be better with 2 more sacred waters. Going first you want to summon Moon, Masterflare and quantum. To do this you need to have venus on the field. When you dont draw venus, use the skill to send it to the grave then use earth to pull neptune and use neptune to special summon venus.

Venus> summon 2 MSB

Summon Moon

Send Majesty to the grave

Summon Majesty by banishing Neptune (If neptune is not in the grave use the skill)

Use venus to summon 1 MSB

Use Skill to make it a tuner

Summon Masterflare

Master > send Celestial Parshath to the grave

Use Masterflare new effect to pull sacred waters

sacred waters > pull Uranus

Uranus > send Jupiter to the grave

summon Quantum

This deck has been strong against unchained and sacred beasts. Blue eyes and Tachyon is 50/50. The hardest matchups were Doomking baledroch and Shaddols

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