
King of Games from on June 8th, 2023
Gems 60k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Incredible climb this month with Fossils! This deck will have some place in a non-link meta because you can use the high level monsters in both graveyards to summon your big fusion monsters. Thanks to the popularity of speedroids and odd-eyes, the climb to KoG was possible.

Now, let's analyze the tech choices:

Forbidden Chalice: to negate problematic monsters, such as Dingirsu, Clear Wing, and Abyss Dweller.

Book of Moon: speaks for itself.

Dark Hole: the mvp of this deck for sure! It was used to break the boards of Speedroid and Odd-eyes decks, making it possible to use the opponent's monsters in the graveyard as material for fusion plays. With the help of Dark Hole, I managed to get a huge winstreak by bullying these decks.

Forbidden Lance: after clearing the board with Dark Hole, the goal is to summon Skull King and swing for game. If the opponent has only one backrow, Lance will protect Skill King (it will deal exactly 4K damage after the resolution of Lance).

Unfortunatetly, pure Orcust has too much backrow and draw power (Dark Hole is useless agains Dingirsu with at least one material), which makes the matchup unfairly difficult going 2nd. However, hybrid Orcust decks are more manageable since they usually run less backrow.

The KoG matchup was insane as I had to deal with Gandora, Orcust, and Stromberg at the same time! Thankfully, Gaia Plate carried me to the victory. Overall, this was one of the most enjoyable KoG climbs I had!

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Vs Orcust: Vs Thundra-Orcust: Vs Rokkets: Vs Salads: Vs Gandora-Orcust-Stromberg (KoG matchup):