
King of Games from on June 11th, 2023
Gems 82.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This month was very tough. I went from Legend 5 to Lengend 1 or 2 multiple times. The day I got KOG I was facing so many Orcust decks so I put in alot of Orcust hate cards. The only bad matchups are pendulums and speed roids since they play backrow removal.

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Speed Roid Rank Up: I only won since they made a big mistake sending the wrong monster and bricking. This matchup is very bad since they have two negates and BoM or lancea. If Red Reign goes thruogh you basically win the matchup. Orcust: This was a missplay since it was pretty early in the morning. I could have BoM Hot Red or normal summoned Red Resonator to attack for game by synchro climbing into Tyrant.