
King of Games from on March 14th, 2024
Gems 40k + $4
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm back again. For this month's KoG, I used Galaxy Photon up until Legend 3. That's when I started running into meta decks that always annihilated me. I ended up switching to BEWD. The climb itself was awful. I was facing pre-nerf Tachyon and Shiranui decks which simply had more gas than I could deal with.

As for the deck itself, I like Battle Chronicle a lot. It makes BEWD more fun than ever. Similarly to my feelings about Tenyi when that Deck was Tier 1, I think BEWD is one of the most fair meta decks rn. Granted, it's really easy to cheese wins with the non-OPD Skill, but hey, you take what you can get with broken Skills nowadays.

The deck breakdown is going to be a bit more complicated, as the list went through many changes (shoutouts to the BE players in the DLM Discord for helping me). Here it is:

  • 1x Melody + 1x Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon - When I first picked up the Deck, I saw a bunch of lists which did not run Melody + Alternative, opting for 1x Treacherous and 3x Book of Moon instead. I tried it out, but I did not like it at all on ladder. I was rarely able to go into Dingirsu and not having Alternative meant I was missing out on cool plays, such as having double pop with Ultimate Fusion. Also, I saw comments on some of these lists saying they bricked more often with Alternative, but this was untrue in my perspective. I liked this package a lot, as it helped make "meh" hands a lot better.
  • 2x Book of Moon + 3x Crackdown - Crackdown was incredible. I wanted to see this + Successor Soul in every hand going first (and even going second for follow-up if I didn't have lethal), and it won me so many games. As for BoM, it was fine. I experimented with 2x D.D. Crow over BoM since I was losing to meta, but I ended up seeing myself playing against rogue on the tail-end of my climb, and BoM is just a very good all-around card that is better than Crow in those situations.
  • 2x Bingo Machine, Go - I really liked this card. I wish I could run 3 of this, but its hard-OPT condition makes it hard to justify running more than 2. Plus, this feels really bad to open when your hand consists of mostly monsters. On the other hand, it helps when your hand consists of mostly Spell/Traps, making Successor Soul much easier to use. I recommend experimenting with 1x of this.
  • Felgrand - Don't run this. The ED is really tight and Dingirsu is mandatory. I was trying it over Imduk for a while, but this was a huge mistake. I lost a lot of games because I didn't have Imduk in the ED.

Lastly, I know I put a lot of time into these write-ups. You guys have probably seen these Decks so often that they don't even matter, but I like chronicling my experiences with Duel Links, as it's truly been a blast to play overall (even if I hate the game sometimes lmao). If you took the time to read all of this, thank you so much. I'm not a competitive player yet, but I'd love to get into it. However, I work 9-5's and most tournaments happen on weekdays (how tf do you people have time to play in these?) If anyone knows of tournaments that happen on Saturdays, I'm really interested in playing in them.

Good luck out there, Duelists.

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Battle Chronicle BEWD (I was trying out Main-Deck D.D. Crow instead of Book of Moon for a while. Crow was fine overall, but I took it out after this Duel. It paid off as I didn't face meta during most of the streak.)

D-Hero (Poor guy couldn't even get going.)

Blue-Eyes Dimension (There are people still using this Skill?)

Tachyon (It's so f*cking cringe that people are allowed to play this on ladder for the entire format after skill changes are announced. It's a good thing my opponent opened subobtimally and played like a potato.)

D-Hero (I don't even know if I played this Duel optimally. It ended up working out, though. GG's.)