
King of Games from on May 31st, 2023
Gems 49k + $87
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Kog in 54 wins, used this from L1 to kog. Should test the non Orcust version but in theory I prefer this because of the followup it gives compared to having to xyz with all of your monsters even with the bricks.

Only 1 Knightmare because if you draw it you just pend it. Minimum amount of Orcusts to keep the bricks as low as possible.

Playing Skyblaster over Recycler means you have to play 1 less brick. Does hurt your ceiling slightly though as you might have to discard a cosmic or limit 3 trap to combo, but if you combo you win the vast majority of the time anyway.

As a tcg player I think people are really sleeping on Wisdom-Eye, it doesn't matter that it conflicts with Pend Call as you're searching what you'd get with Wisdom-Eye anyway with Pend Call and the consistency you get out of its flexibility in terms of it being any scale you want is great.

Might swap the limit 3 traps to Chalice to make the deck better going 2nd.

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