
King of Games from on May 28th, 2023
Gems 49.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I built Speedroid as soon as they got released and reached KoG very easily with them. The skill is overpowered, as it's common place nowadays.

The list is still under experimentation. You don't want to open the tuners so I played as few of them as possible, but this way drawing them without Wynn is a problem because you don't have other copies in the Deck for Taketomborg or the skill.

For the Extra Deck, I preferred to play double Clear Wing instead of Zeta because I wasn't facing too many Orcust players, probably due to being the end of the month. Stardust Charge Warrior is here because drawing cards is nice: you can end on Clear Wing + Crystal Wing + draw 2 if you open Terrortop + Taketomborg/Yo-Yo, also it lets you combo if you open Taketomborg + Daiko Duke (otherwise you have no play). I chose to include Stardust Warrior because I was finding a lot of Odd-Eyes players: you can make it alongside Crystal Wing if you open Terrortop + Taketomborg/Yo-Yo. Sadly, I didn't get to summon it even once, but it's theoretically quite good in that match-up.

No Harpie Synchro because I don't want to go into the Sign of Harpies box, nor use a Dream Ticket, at least for now. Play it if you have it, but I think the list is just fine without it.

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Replays compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2br2LRDayJA

You might see CarTurbo somewhere in the replays, as I was experimenting with it at some point. It didn't seem too useful so I cut it.