Cyberse: Rush!

King of Games from on May 20th, 2024
Gems 22.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

The goal is simple. You have only one condition : Yggdrago. This list is able to summon it 3 times per duel consistently. The main risk is decking out as this deck can really easily draw and mill your entire deck. 3x Talimanic and 3x Guard are mandatory to recycle. Also, Guard + Recital + Negate Attack protect your LP when your opponent outs Yggdrago. Games are very entertaining with thisdeck, it's the most unique way of playing Rush. What is funny is that it is more and more easy to Maximum Summon as you selectively choose the cards from the GY you want to return in the deck, and because you choose the maximum pieces each time, you almost end up the duel resummoning the maximum all the time. Chaos Femtron is decent but clearly not the O.G. of the deck. Peacock Picoteo + Chaos Femtron is really good though!

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Watch this replay here to witness 6 Maximum Summons in one duel :