
King of Games from on May 22nd, 2024
Gems 69.5k + $193
24 cards

Notes & Combos

My first ever climb to KoG!!

Some notes:

  • I find that twins can get away with a little over 20 cards. Rarely ever bricked!
  • The Lv.8 boss monster is so clutch for quick victories, and good discard fodder thanks to SS from grave.
  • I liked the variety of different Limit 3 traps. Terror of the Overroot, in particular, messes with a lot of boards if used right.
  • The field spell came in handy for the longer grindy games. People sometimes forget about the attack negate, which works really well if you can get them to 1 monster by battle phase.
  • Book of Moon, Lancea, and Crow are great in the current meta. I may run 2 of each, but 1 felt like enough alongside all the other disruptions.
  • I've tried other boss monsters alongside the Lv.8 twins, and Alpha is where I've settled. It's often a pretty free 3k atk special summon, non-targeting monster bounce, and potential link fodder (in a pinch)
  • 1 Home & 1 password was another thing I settled on after trying different ratios. It feels sufficient, since I don't like discarding too much or having 2 copies of password in hand. They're still essential (obviously) for searches, extending plays, and starting the combos.
  • Warning point at 2 helped a lot vs. raidraptors and PK. Halts a lot of other decks from building up too much.

Overall, I'm so happy I managed to reach KoG for the first time with my favorite deck. :) We'll see if it's possible to do it again some day. Replays are from the last 5 game streak.

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KoG 5-win streak:
