Phantom Knights

King of Games from on May 1st, 2024
Gems 44k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

in my opinion its a very strong deck. with ophion + dark requiem going first or many ways to remove cards going secong it is very flexible. it is you just need 1 of the phantom knights for the combo. with 11 starters it you have a 93,27% chance of having the 1 card combo going first, going second it is 96,97% likely to have at least 1 PK monster in the hand. a look in the tier list shows, that the ophion floodgate works against every tiered deck exept sky striker.

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replay 1: vs shiranui. autowin with ophion

replay 2: vs skystriker. lance saved me

replay 3 vs T.G. but he surrendred because of a misclick (he was still able to do his combo btw)

replay 4 vs blue eyes. he had lancea turn 1 and heat wave turn 2. somehow i survived :D

replay 5: mirror match. he surrendered after i lanced his dark rebellion