Notes & Combos
If you have more Droplets, play up to 3
D.D. Crow is super strong against almost any deck
If going second, almost always try to use Sauge to bait resources before comitting a normal summon; this is one of the biggest strengths of the deck
Make sure to summon Ecclesia at the very end of the combo to not get locked out of the extra deck
Two main combo lines:
Literally any normal summon - 3rd effect of skill summons Sorciere - 2nd part of skill Summon Necro and reduces either Necro's or Sorciere's level by 1 - Synchro into Wolfrayet (super important to make sure to summon it to a MAIN MONSTER ZONE)- Necro Effect summons Loci - Link it off into Dryas - Dryas adds Sunvine Sowing - Activate Sowing to summon Sunseed Twin - Twin effect summons Loci from GY - Link all 3 into Melias - Melias summons Loci - Link the 2 into Benghalancer.
(Worse combo overall, but can be good situationally) Any level 4 normal summon (make sure not to use her effect if it's Dogmatika Ecclesia or you'll be locked out of the extra deck) - 3rd skill effect summons Necro - Synchro into Stardust Charge Warrior - Necro effect summons Glow-Up - Synchro into Clear Wing - Use Glow-Up effect in GY to bring it back - from there you can either go for Chevalier if backrow is a problem, or use 2nd part of skill to send Glow-Up for a Sorciere as a beatstick (or if you have Fleurdelis in your hand, you can special summon it and use it with Sorciere to go into Dingirsu).