Dark Dragons

King of Games from on September 4th, 2024
Gems 26k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

IT'S METAGIAS TURBO BABY!!! Ok but, in all seriousness I do think that this deck is really slept on right now. Here is a rundown of the of the things to keep in mind:

Metagias- The fact that currently many decks can not play Negate Attack is a nice niche the deck can play on since one Metagias that has used its effect protects all of your monsters from Widespread Ruin for the turn most of the time. Metagias is also good into backrows that change the attack of monsters since it also can not be destroyed by battle the turn it uses its effect (a fact I am willing to admit I had forgotten until rereading all my cards before playing the deck) so even if you do not manage to get rid of your opponents big monster you will still have a big monster that your opponent has to deal with, which can at the very least reduce the amount of damage you take on your opponents next turn. The fact that Metagis plays well into backrow means you can afford to only play two Dragon's Inferno, use them wisely.

Dragias- You can decide not to run him if you would rather have the third phoenix dragon or Blue-Eyes. The fact that Dragias second attack is not limited to monsters can come up but if you are going to include him in the deck remember you can not retrieve him from the grave with the skill because he is not dark attribute.

Phoenix- great for consistency being able to play at least two gives you an edge over other versions of the dragon deck.

The other dragons- Stock Buster and Red-Eyes are there because you can play them with the skill. You need a high number of level seven dark dragons so that you can have them in grave before summoning Metagias since the skill only allows you to get them from the grave. Also never forget Stock Buster has an effect.

Essel- Good going second. In addition to all the classic things Essel also mills your high level dragons. A general rule is to keep milling until there is at least one high level dragon in grave exept some edge cases.

Sport dragons- Tribute fodder. You can not activate Essel the turn you use their effects.

Spell- Try to save them for outing monsters with more than 2600 attack.

Traps- Play your best traps. I am saving gems to get better ones.

The skill: Its good. It sets up Metagias, which is what you want. The attack changing effect matters because it is a consistent way of beating monsters with 2500 attack before you have dragons in grave to discard with Metagias.

Any questions, feel free to ask.


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