
Spicy Win Streaks from on April 15th, 2023
Gems 51k + $106
30 cards

Notes & Combos

The combo if you open Psi-Reflector is Beatrice+Overtex. The god combo is if you open One for One, Pill/Giant Rex and a level 4 dino to normal as then you also end on Laggia.

The Beatrice can send a bunch of things other than setting up Pill. If you already opened Pill you can send Giant Rex to summon that back off Pill. You can send Survival's End to get a pop if you have a dino on board. You can send a Misc to setup for next turn. And lastly you can send a Paleo turn turn on a drawn Survival's end if you have another trap.

Really wish I could play more than 30 I had to cut a lot to fit everything in. You could put that stuff back by taking out the Rescue Rabbit package but I really like it as opening the dinos turn 1 doesn't do so much without Marella but Rescue Rabbit is always Laggia. But the milling with Charge would be really good when you could hit an Overtex.

The vanillas are just because I only have 1 Sabersaurus and Megalosmasher so I couldn't play those with Rabbit.

Should replace the Opabinia with either Dweller or something to make with Psi-Reflector that could give an interrupt for if I summon a 2nd.

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