
Spicy Win Streaks from on August 10th, 2024
Gems 50k + $26
28 cards

Notes & Combos

i prefer making the cyberse lock than darkfluid + honeybot. Making darkfluid feels boring turn 1. Sadly i cant put decode talker tho

Fancy tricks in this variant:

  1. Cynet Crosswipe is actually very important so i put more, can bait 2 distruptions after rollback summons firewall dragon. I dont need to rely on MST and crosswipe is searchable :) if things went through, firewall can summon a 2nd cyberse from hand. I can finally counter set 3!

  2. making the lock is more satisfying, untargetable and most of the time i can rekt blue eyes.

  3. everyone says cyberse ded vs doomking. If their board weak, you can set a cyberse and crosswipe zw but then need to rely on rollback

  4. have a ddr or dimension distortion to misaim veiler

  5. when combo, make sure CL1, and wicckid CL2. So it adds synchron then summon immediately

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