
Spicy Win Streaks from on July 21st, 2022
Gems 16.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

WARNING: This thing is extremely long lol

So i somehow got 7 wins in a row with flopp- i mean Fluffal/Frightfur using a budget Prescience for Mai and bricking a hella lot... worth it tho I literally NEVER used the XYZ as they are optional as hell, but ik i should at least change Break Sword to another fusion or something... Anyways if you don't know how the deck works (kinda hard ngl) it's a fusion deck (100% didn't know fr fr) that focus on, well, fusing monsters. Your main play and most reliable (not always going to work tho because it relies on your hand) is Fluffal Bear to search Toy Vendor, than use it's effect to discard the Wings and pray you got good luck on the deck shuffle (since you can see the top of the deck). Once that's done, use the wing's effect to get 3 cards... pretty simple. Frightfur fusion is a good addition to the deck. You can win without it but it's good once you manage to draw it (or throw the Chain to the GY to search it) since it fuses using materials from the GY. Your standard combo will be fusing into Daredevil (normally using the Cat to get Poly back) than fuse onto Sabre-Tooth and bring Daredevil back on turn 1. On turn 2 you can instead fuse onto the Tiger to pop up some cards and than get onto Tooth. Overall, it's a deck that relies a LOT on luck but it's brutal when you manage to pull off the fusion monsters. If you can build it, do it, it's cheap lol, and pray that luck is by your side on your starting hand.

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