Cyber Dragon

Spicy Win Streaks from on May 31st, 2023
Gems 35k + $11
28 cards

Notes & Combos

One of the few Orcust variants that feels like an actual variant and not just "oh hey guys look I jammed Orcust into a different deck with no synergy". Yea i'm lookin at you, guy who posted a "Deskbot" deck that was just Orcust with a few Deskbot cards to make Mermaid with. Overall this variant feels really strong. Core is a strong normal summon as it can get Naschter and Nachter can pitch an Orcust to summon itself to set up your Orcust plays, which lets you either access Vimana off the skill to protect your plays, or go into a Rampage to either force out backrow or swing for fat numbers turn 2/3. You dont set it up a lot but Overflow is great as an additional interruption for your turn 1 board that also generates advantage/follow up with Rampage if your opponent is a dumbie who's still on MST in Orcust format for some unGodly reason. Tl;dr really fun and spicy variant that is very slept on.

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VS Orcust (TIL Chalice on Scrap Recycler wins you the whole game) VS.. Idfk (Bro scooped as soon as I summoned Mermaid lmfao) VS.. Idfk again VS The mirror Cant include the last one :((