
Spicy Win Streaks from on October 8th, 2023
Gems 58.5k + $4
30 cards

Notes & Combos

The basic idea of this deck is to combine Red-Eyes consistency and early game explosiveness with Archfiends revives and floats.

Skill alway adds Summoned Skull to deck.

Start the duel using Red-Eyes Fusion to summon Meteor if you go first or Skull Dragon if you go second. If you draw Cavalry, set it so you revive an Archfiend if it get popped by the opponent or by your Borreload.

Dump Lightning with Insight or Meteor so you could revive it using Meteor, Cavalry or Roar. Since you rarely use your normal summon, you can use it to gemini summon Lightning to nuke opponent field.

Use Necro Fusion or Super Poly to summon Skull Dragon, Borreload or Manifestation on opponent turn. Super Poly can also be used on your turn to fuse targeted Summoned Skull (or any dark dragon, if you are against Odd-Eyes or Rokkets).

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Replays from Legend rank, including part of a 5 winstreak.