
Spicy Win Streaks from on September 18th, 2023
Gems 35.5k
26 cards

Notes & Combos

The basic idea of this deck is to combine Rokkets ability to pop for advantage with Archfiends advantage when they are popped.

The gameplan starts as regular Rokkets while dumping Archfiends using Griefing, until you draw Archfiends revivers (Roar & Cavalry). Griefing is also very effective against decks like Tenyi and BLS.

If you draw Falling Down you can summon an Archfiend from ED to make it live (any 2 Rokkets including Tracer can make one). Other options are revive one from GY or summon Cavalry from hand. Prefer Call if Empress in GY (her float target) or if target protection is needed.

Use Tracer effect to pop Empress or Cavalry to revive an Archfiend. Popping Empress after she attacked can give you an additional attack from the Archfiend she revived.

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Some replays from the climb to DLv. MAX in KC Cup.