Thunder Dragons

Spicy Win Streaks from on September 1st, 2023
Gems 46k + $49
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Destiny Draw + Wightprincess + Levi is still an undefeated combo. Aloof being free solves a lot of the consistency issues. Solar is still nuts. Playing into backrow still sucks until Konami let's us play multiple levi again. Most ladder players have forgotten what this deck does so collect the free wins while we wait on the next unbanning.

A few of the deck choices:

  1. Lightning vortex over dark hole because the discard can sometimes be useful.
  2. Borreload is fire against D Hero, rokket, and any deck that relies on targeting monster effects. Bonus points for taking your opponents stuff and being a jerk with it. It's better than decode imo because of the offensive pressure and having the same material requirements to make immune to targeting.
  3. Linkuriboh enables t1 firewall dragon with solar+hawk as well as being good for knightmare phoenix and security dragon. Basically turns solar into a value engine going 1st or 2nd.
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showing the turn 1 firewall dragon line: #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

borreload putting in work: #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

sheer board breaking strength of a single levi drop: #DuelReplay #DuelLinks