
Spicy Win Streaks from on September 21st, 2024
Gems 57.5k
27 cards

Notes & Combos

DRAGON RAVINE discard crusadia draco, an elegible WIND target to revive by searching and summoning D. Guisarme and put draco on field to: continue crusadia plays OR summon moonlight dragon as disruption.. Card of origin Z-One [SKILL] able a column to play mekks in turn1 below and between the extra zone you make crusadia magius; and also have the incredibly out-of-this-world effect that when is poped face-down it can recycle a field spell like dragon ravine or.. swords of revealing light (forgetted continuous spell that I'm testing in this lyrilusc infested meta..) asuming these cards are on GY, but anyways is an epic plus. That's why is here scrap dragon (summonable only with tuner + blue sky mekk), to pop and activate this epic effect. [considering also that you can search world legacy's memory by summoning crusadia krawler in opponent turn to equimax arrow] for people that doesnt know anything about crusadia, crusadia krawler trap is searchable in the previous turn before summoning equimax with the link2 crusadia regulex. SO that you always ensure mekk-knight plays, but its not ideal due memory (quick spell)'s restriction. If in turn 1 you have only 1 crusadia, legatus searched and free summoned with dragon ravine on field can let you do crusadia plays by searching with magius when you summon it right below, then search draco, make equimax. and next turn you sure draco in GY to search Guisarme, that revive draco, and you can do moonlight/scrap dragon depending if you have mekks on hand or not. scrap dragon is a lv8 wich you can use for a dingirsu. Many times is preferable in turn3 use equimax to do rasterliger intead mantaining it on field, free summom another crusadia in below raster arrow and pop. so many plays to comment, incredibly fun with all combos, moonlight bounces, ding sends, and mekk pops.. hope someone test it and comment.

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  6. L. --- kc cup ravine/equimax/raster/dingirsu/scrap dragon/mekks combos replay: