
WCS DLv. Max from on June 3rd, 2024
Gems 60k + $4
28 cards

Notes & Combos

I really like playing Magikey.

a) Going first it causes a lot of trouble because the disruption caused by Transfurlmine pop, Magikey Unlocking negation and Draco Berserker banishment can be quite strong against the meta.

b) There are a lot of ways to put your extradeck monsters on the field and people don't know what to stop because Magikey World, Batosbuster, Manju, Preparation of Rites and even Vepartu can search a follow up play.

c) I added the Raider's Knight + Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon package instead of playing Void Ogre Dragon and Malevolent Sin. It is an almost guaranteed one hit kill. Also I decided to remove Garesglasser and use Lancea to counter the meta.

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Replay DLV Max:

Replays DLV 19